co-matter digest #53:  Why not ask readers to contribute?

How the next generation of media companies let readers participate.

This month I sat down with journalists and media entrepreneurs to talk about new ways to engage with your audience.

Scroll down to hear how The Guardian, Are.na or the Engaged Journalism Accelerator involve their members to tell stories and become sustainable businesses.


Speaking of publishing: we've just launched a new guide book and introduced pop-in calls to our podcast. These are shorter, more hands-on conversations where members of the co-matter network share insights about a specific project they currently work on.

I hope you enjoy this edition of the new monthly co-matter newsletter. Please email your thoughts, feedback, and comments.

Yours truly,

New conversations on the podcast

Subscribe on iTunes, Spotify, Soundcloud, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts by searching for "co-matter".
Amanda Michel: Why not ask readers to contribute?
Amanda shares how reader contributions at The Guardian led to one of the most significant turnarounds in recent British media history.

29:45 mins | Listen here
Jennifer Brandel & Mara Zepeda: How Zebras Unite make startup culture more inclusive
The two co-founders on how anyone can (and should) start a movement to solve a problem they truly care about.

33:57 mins | Listen here
Kathryn Geels: What is engaged journalism?
The director of the European Journalism Accelerator on the new wave of news organizations that let readers participate.

17:27 mins | Listen here
Scott Heiferman: The story of Meetup
We met Scott in NYC to unwrap the story of building Meetup over 17 years and his view on the future of community.

43:49 mins | Listen here
Annie Malarkey: Why does Wetransfer care about your mental health?
Annie talks about WeTransfer's Please Leave campaign, their partnership with Headspace and commitment to supporting creativity.

12:30 mins | Listen here
Charles Broskoski: The story behind Are.na
The co-founder of the visual platform on how to build a more mindful place for creatives.

34:18 mins | Listen here

Hot  off the press: The VC Platform Field Guide

It all started with a dinner in Berlin in early 2019. Together with Isabel and Jakob (both attended the Community Leadership Summit #2 in January) we gathered community builders from VC firms around the table to share best practices.

Fast forward to today, the VC Platform Field Guide is the result of 15 conversations we had with leading platform & community builders at European VC firms such Atomico, Seedcamp, Angellist & many more.

It's a 60 page, free-to-download manual for anyone curious about supporting startups better and contributing to a thriving tech ecosystem.

Check it out at vcplatformguide.com & cast your vote at Product Hunt.

A welcome to new members

We're glad you joined us. Here are three out of 63 interesting projects that joined us this month:

Amuse. Sofia and her team re-imagine a record label that gives control back to artists.

✍️ Write.as. CJ and his team are building a privacy-focused writing platform and community.

🤖 Zerus & Ona. Miriam developed a human, unplugged way to share the magic of computers with your kids.

Things to read

The Everything Manifesto. Lucy and Andres on the futures of everything.

Startups need a new option: Exit to Community. Nathan Schneider on how startups can create value.

A framework for scaling your climate change impact. Hampus on what you can actually do to affect change.

Big thanks to Guido & Kristian for composing and recording our new podcast soundtrack at Total Refreshment Center London . You can listen to it in our latest episodes.
co—matter is a global network exploring what makes communities thrive.

Thank you for being part of it.

 Ideas, feedback, tips? Get in touch!

Take care,
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co-matter is a global network exploring what makes communities thrive. 
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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am