The Culture & Technology podcast 012 | May 12, 2022

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Francesca Bria: A New Digital Humanism

When thinking about digital innovation and policy around technology we often view it either through the lens of Silicon Valley surveillance capitalism or Chinese digital authoritarianism. We don’t often think about what a European approach to innovation might look like. Francesca Bria on the other hand spends most of her time thinking about just that. In our conversation, Francesca offered insight on Europe’s role in digital innovation, how culture informs technology and how citizens can get active in the area of digital innovation and policy.


Francesca Bria is the President of the Italian National Innovation Fund. She is an information technologist, innovation economist and digital policy expert, working at the intersection of technology, geopolitics, economics and society.


Severin Matusek is an editor and strategist who has spent the last decade researching how technology transforms culture, communities and society.


  • Nesta is an innovation foundation intended to promote innovation across a broad range of sectors through investment, policy and research.
  • The Italian Innovation Fund is an initiative by the Italian government to help fund innovation within the country and boost the Italian start-up ecosystem.
  • The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative, convening a space of encounter to design future ways of living, situated at the crossroads between art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology.
  • GAFAM is a name given to the four or five largest and most dominant companies in the tech industry.
  • D-CENT (Decentralised Citizens Engagement Technologies) was a Europe-wide project helping citizen-led organisations in developing the next generation of open source, distributed, and privacy-aware tools for direct democracy and economic empowerment.


The Culture & Technology Podcast is a long-form interview podcast produced by the Vienna Business Agency @wirtschaftsagentur_wien that aims to establish a long-term perspective on the ways emerging technologies impact cultural production.

Editorial Team: Mike Evans, Paul Feigelfeld, Severin Matusek, Elisabeth Noever-Ginthör, Elisa Stockinger, Heinz Wolf.

Theme Music by Zanshin.

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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am