The Culture & Technology podcast 006 | March 19, 2021

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Bika Rebek & Agustin Schang: The Architecture of Culture

Until recently, spatial experiences have been resolutely material, taking place within cities, buildings, and rooms. Over the past year, however, the pandemic has moved museums, performances, and gatherings online, into virtual environments from games and video calls to VR hubs.

To get the lowdown on how technology is rebuilding our notions of space, Episode 6 invites two architects and curators, Bika Rebek and Agustin Schang to share their take on the shifting form of architecture within our emerging hybrid reality.


Bika Rebek is an architect, curator and educator. As co-founder and partner of Some Place Studio, she has created physical and virtual spaces with institutions such as MoMA in New York and the MAK in Vienna.

Agustin Schang is an architect, curator and cultural producer. His work focuses on the intersection of architecture, culture, and the city which he most recently brought to life as the associate producer of The Mile-Long Opera, a public engagement project at the Highline in Manhattan.


Severin Matusek is a writer, producer and editor who has spent the last decade researching how technology transforms culture, communities and society.


  • Some Place Studio is an architectural practice bringing to life physical and virtual spaces. Founded by Bika Rebek and Daniel Prost, the practice approaches contemporary issues through the lens of architectural discourse and photography.
  • Uncanny Values: Artificial Intelligence & You was an exhibition held at the MAK in Vienna as part of the Vienna Biennale for Change 2019. 100 years after Freud wrote “The Uncanny”, the exhibition delved into the impacts of artificial intelligence on every aspect of contemporary life.
  • Susan Sellers is Senior Design Critic at the Yale School of Art, and founding partner and creative director of New York-based global design consultancy 2x4, where she leads a range of strategy and design projects across culture, commerce and urban life.
  • The Mile-Long Opera: A Biography of 7 O’Clock is a theatrical performing arts opera that was held at New York’s High Line in October 2018 co-created by architects Diller Scofidio + Renfro and composer David Lang, with words and lyrics by Anne Carson and Claudia Rankin. Greg Lynn is an American architect, founder of Greg Lynn FORM office, professor at the UCLA School of Arts and Architecture, and co-founder of robotics company Piaggio Fast Forward.
  • Hubs by Mozilla are open-source virtual reality (VR) chat rooms allowing people to come together to watch videos, chat, enjoy 3D objects, or simply spend time together.
  • Future Architecture Rooms is an experimental digital environment comprising online architecture museums, galleries, publishing houses, and labs, curated by designer and researcher Anastassia Smirnova, who also co-founded SVESMI, a Dutch-Russian office for architecture and urbanism.


The Culture & Technology Podcast is a long-form interview podcast produced by the Vienna Business Agency @wirtschaftsagentur_wien that aims to establish a long-term perspective on the ways emerging technologies impact cultural production.

Editorial Team: Paul Feigelfeld, Anna Dorothea Ker, Severin Matusek, Elisabeth Noever-Ginthör, Elisa Stockinger, Heinz Wolf.

Theme Music by Zanshin.

S1E6 is now out and available wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am