co-matter digest #51: All the photos & talks from summit #3
How does power shift from the few to the many?

On September 6, 2019, close to 100 community leaders from around the world got together in Copenhagen to explore the power of movements.

Our guiding research question was: How does power shift from the few to the many?

To answer that question we asked people who have started movements that change startup culture, fight the climate crisis, shape creative industries, make governments more resilient and helped elect political parties.

All talks are now available for you to listen, together with the photos and workshops that we’ve co-created as a group.

Scroll down to directly click through to three of our favorites.
Josh Greenberg: What Moves Global Festival Audiences to Join in the Party?

A veteran in the live music industry, Josh took on the stage at the Community Leadership Summit 3 to explain why people join music festivals today and the learnings we can take for building communities today.
Kate Armstrong: When Communities of Practice go from Local to Global

Fab Lab's Kate Armstrong shares some key insights into how a local community goes global with open, collaborative tools and distributed communities of practice.
Luuk Blum: Planting Seeds and Watering the Garden

Luuk Blum, a member of climate activist movement Extinction Rebellion, shares his personal reflection on community leadership in his lightning talk.
When is the next Summit?

The Community Leadership Summit #4 will take place in spring 2020 in Berlin.

RSVP here to be the first to know the exact date, topic and location.
Who won our hyper limited edition co-matter scarf?

Out of 22 of you that gave us crucial feedback on where you’d like to see co-matter in the future, Vinish from India won the lucky draw to receive our WS 2019 scarf. YAY!

Thank you Sven, Jacob, Fleur, Jan, Colette, Linda, Fiona, Logan, Ben, Bolette, Al, Dries, Kate, Sarah, Andreas, Sabrina, Laura, Martin, Anders and YS for sharing your feedback!

It means  a lot. We're already working on a few new things that we'll share soon.

Take care,
Your friends at co-matter
Copyright © 2019 co-matter. All rights reserved.
co-matter is a global network exploring what makes communities thrive. 
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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am