co-matter digest #50: Don't be cold, get a scarf (and tell us what you think)
What do you want co—matter to be?

A lot has happened over the last few months. We've hosted our third summit in Copenhagen, completed season 1 of our podcast, started sharing insights of community members through in-depth interviews and have seen our little mailing list grow to more members representing some of the most exciting communities and organizations we can think of.

So we thought now is a good time to ask for your feedback and raffle off our brand new limited edition WS 2019 essential (as worn by Natalie and Severin, see above) to one lucky winner who shares their thoughts with us.

Are you up for it?

Please take a minute to answer five simple questions about how we can do better.

The lucky winner will be announced in early October right here on the mailing list
A big welcome to new members

It’s special every time someone signs up to this list and we discover the projects they’re working on. So here’s a roundup of five projects and their creators who joined us recently:

1) Precious Plastic is a global community of hundreds of people working towards a solution to plastic pollution. They share knowledge, tools and techniques for free to make it easy for people to get involved and contribute. Welcome, Mattia

2) Entry Level Activist makes activism more relatable and less overwhelming. Hi Faith!

3) The Fab City Global Initiative consists of a network of 28 cities, a core collective and is governed by a foundation. Spearheaded by the good people behind Fab Lab Barcelona, the initiative works towards enabling locally productive, globally connected cities and empowers citizens to take action. Thanks for joining us Kate (and for sharing your insights at the summit, too!)
) TCO London is a media company and global network of writers, illustrators, photographers and filmmakers. They’re the friendly people behind Huck and Little White Lies and a bunch of other stories, movies or campaigns you've probably seen. Welcome, Sam and Helen!

5) If you’ve been following this mailing list for a while, you might know that we quite like WeTransfer. We're excited about Empty Day, a day of social media silence that they’re initiating on October 12. And we’re glad Annie from their PR team finally joined us here! HI!! ‍

From the Archives >> Claire Wasserman: How Ladies Get Paid Helps Women Rise Up
As the co-host of our first Community Leadership Summit last year, Claire shared the story about how she built Ladies Get Paid, a community of more than 50,000 women that support each other to negotiate for equal pay, and power in the workplace.

Listen to the podcast on co—matter, iTunes, Spotify or your favorite podcasting app.

Take care, go swim
Your friends at co-matter
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co-matter is a global network exploring what makes communities thrive. 
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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am