co-matter digest #44: No community ever gets built overnight
Sabrina Faramarzi: How to Build for Diversity and Inclusion
Last year at IAM Weekend, we got to meet the incredible people behind Feminist Internet, a collective working on making the Internet a more equal space for women and other marginalised groups. Since last year, they have launched a podcast, created a feminist Alexa and a chatbot to fight algorithmic bias. We reached out to Sabrina to catch up with Feminist Internet and get insights into how we can build communities for diversity and inclusion.
1. Severin Matusek: Brands Can Build Strong Communities, When They Are Patient
This April, Severin was invited to join the Retail Futures Forum, organized by our friends at The Future Laboratory in London. There, he had a conversation with creative researcher Rachael Stott, providing insight into how retail brands can build authentic communities. You can now read an edited transcript of their conversation, below: