co-matter digest #35: Harper Reed talks shop
 "I think that's what kills a community: if the founders, the leaders, the collaborators, the stewards of that community stop participating. That's when the community starts to die. Not a true death, they just lose the leaders. They lose the inspiration, that beacon for why they are there."
Harper Reed is an American technologist, known for his role as the Chief Technology Officer for Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, his involvement in pioneering online crowdsourcing through clothing company Threadless, his hairstyle, and many other weird and wonderful projects he gets involved in.

For episode 16 of The Community Podcast we talked with  Harper about what he calls his life waves: periods in his career when he quit everything and said yes to any new opportunity that came his way. Like this interview. Or building one of the first crowdsourcing communities on the internet. Using social technology to get a president elected. Or predicting the future for a living.

All this, and more, including sirens and pan flute recitals, in the latest episode of The Community Podcast with Harper Reed.

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or your favorite podcasting app by searching for "The Community Podcast by co-matter"
Which brand communities do you love?

Last week we asked for your help on brand communities. Here are some of our favorite examples you sent along:

1. Glossier

Now evaluated at $1.2bn, beauty brand Glossier has revolutionized user generated content in the beauty industry. This recent article gives an insight into how it started as a blog and how the brand made its customers front and center.

2. Lady Gaga

The popstar was ahead of the curve when she created her own social network for her fans, aptly titled Little Monsters. This 2017 article on Noisey sums it up nicely. Little Monsters is still going strong with its own community app for iPhone & Android.

3. Rapha

The British cycling brand empowers its customers unlike any other. Its cycling club, RCC, is expanding and the brand keeps growing by inspiring and nurturing cyclist's passion for the sport. In a recent episode on the Community Podcast, Rapha's Sarah Clark explains how a mission-driven brand is created.

Thank you for sending along your inspiration! Expect more updates on brand communities soon ‍

That's it for today folks.

Take care,
Your friends at co-matter
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