co-matter digest #13: The 10 Golden Rules

Hi friends,
Earlier this year when I started co-matter I was thinking about the principles that guide my understanding of what makes a great community.

I sat down and wrote The 10 Golden Rules of Building Communities That Matter

It took me a while (8 months to be exact) to write them down in a format that I feel happy with. They sum up what I’ve learned in 10+ years of bringing people together across the internet.

I'd love for you to read them and tell me what you think. Just comment directly on Medium or email me.

3 things I recommend this week:

1. How the Hustle’s milestone referral program earned them 300k fanatics

A great case study on how news platform The Hustle grew its reader base through referrals, swag and great copywriting. Via Viral Loops

2. Micd.com
A new app that enables die-hard NBA fans comment on games. I haven't tried it myself but I love how the website tells a story in simple words. A new project by Kickstarter co-founder Yancey Strickler: micd.com

3. The State of Communities 2018

If you didn't take part in our survey yet, you should do so now. It only takes a few minutes.
Thanks for reading.

Yours truly,

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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am