co-matter digest #24: A conversation with Claire Wasserman
“Solve a problem. Because people will connect if they’re trying to accomplish something. Ladies Get Paid is not a nice to have - it’s a need to have.”

Claire Wasserman is the founder of Ladies Get Paid, an organization and global community that helps women rise up at work. Since its launch in 2016, Ladies Get Paid has grown to 30,000 members in more than 60 countries.
In today's episode 12 of The Community Podcast Claire shares how she got started: how Ladies Get Paid grew from a meetup in a tiny New York apartment to a global movement, how Claire attached a business model to it, her advice for community founders and her vision for growing Ladies Get Paid in the future.
Learn how Claire connected 30,000 women

You may also tune in directly via iTunes, Soundcloud or your favorite podcasting app.
One week until the Community Leadership Summit!

ICYMI: Claire also joins us in Copenhagen for our annual Summit next week.

If this interview inspires you to explore impactful communities on a deeper level, make sure to join us.

70 community leaders from across the world have already done so - we've just updated the list with new organizations.

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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am