co-matter digest #26: The highlights from this year's Community Leadership Summit
Hello friend

As a close follower of this newsletter you might have asked yourself:

What the hell happened at the Community Leadership Summit in early September?

Here's what happened:
  • 80+ community leaders from 18 countries came together
  • People who run communities in governments, global brands, nonprofits, startups, co-working spaces, innovation labs and creative agencies

  • Taking one day out of their agenda to share their expertise, stories and best practices of how to bring people together and create long-lasting impact with their communities
The official recap from the day is now live featuring the video, photos, talks and feedback from the day.

 The highlights from this year's Community Leadership Summit
Wait a minute!

Before you head off we'd like to ask you one simple question:

If you were to attend our next Summit, what would you like to learn?

Just hit reply to this email and tell us what you think.
Your input will help us make the next Summit even better.

Have a great rest of your week

Your friends from co-matter
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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am