co-matter digest #40: Jenny Gyllander tells us how brands and consumers fall in love
Brands, What's your Relationship Status?

We talked to Jenny Gyllander about how she turned Thingtesting into a thriving community around the direct-to-consumer economy and the future of brand relationships.

After having spent her formative years building the brand identity of Finland's famous SLUSH conference, Jenny moved to London to work as a venture capital investor. While there, she started documenting emerging consumer brands that caught both her consumer and investor eye, on Instagram, as a hobby, under the Thingtesting profile. It's not even a year later and Jenny is now turning this hobby into a full-time job.

🤓  Read the interview
In Other News

Last week we launched our annual survey to collect your views on how people engage and participate in 2019. One of the questions is about how you moderate your social media use these days. Here are some of the answers we got so far:
  • I set a personal rule to only open Instagram once a day, and post a weekly "story" on Sundays. feels good.
  • I train underserved girls on how to use social media platforms as a source of income.
  • I generally avoid my phone during weekends (except to listen to podcasts).
  • I delete Instagram after I've use it. Every time. 
  • I run out of battery on purpose.
What have you been doing to increase or reduce social media use?
🗳️ Tell us your story if you haven't already

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Last updated: January 23, 2025 ■ 11:11am